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Really, great great work. There is a lot of work in this project.

However, music is a problem. Sounds and music cannot be polyphonic on a Nokia3310, and cannot be as detailed. It's a bit of a bother because the music is not bad.

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You got me there.. πŸ™ hadn't thought about that. I use 2 audio sources throughout the game so... yep im guilty as charged.

I don't know if it's possible to update the projects. If it's possible, you just have to remove the music and it will be perfect!


This is really impressive, you have a whole game in here with combats and everything! I actually love the "FLOOR X" title card that plays every time you move to a new floor.

I'm not going to finish the game because... 35 floors is a lot... and a lot of the interface/controls are kinda slow, BUT, still, really cool work :]

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☺️ thanks fam, I'll get to your 3 hour platformer soon, bro.

πŸ‘€ Oh and fair point on not finishing. 35 floors might've been too much. Should've speeden up some movement variables too πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ